Zoom for now, link can be found in the Agenda Center. When allowed, meetings will be held at the Municipal Building. Hopewell Township Municipal Building 201 Washington Crossing Pennington Road Titusville,…
Click on Headline to open event and make links available. Click here for zoom link. Agendas are here.
It's NaNoWriMo -- when writers take the month of November to pursue the goal to write a first draft of their novel in 50,000 words in 30 days! If you're…
The HPL book club will meet to discuss their latest literary endeavor! This month’s selection is A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped…
Physical activity does not have to mean going to the gym, getting sweaty and out of breath, or sacrificing your lunch hour. Movement and physical activity do not have to…
This program creates a safe space where women (all ages) can come as they are, listen and share about (not required) themselves fully and open. A topic about self-healing, self-care…