Home » Letter to the Editor: Response to Alternative Facts Apparatus in Hopewell Twp

Letter to the Editor: Response to Alternative Facts Apparatus in Hopewell Twp

by MercerMe Staff

To the Editor,

Somebody once observed that the surest way to make someone furious with rage is, not to lie to them, but to tell them inconvenient truths.

Judging from the venom spewed by District 6 Democrat Municipal Committee Member Billie Moore in last week’s Letter to the Editor, entitled “Alternative Facts Apparatus in Hopewell Twp,” I can say from my own experience that observation is completely accurate.

The object of Ms Moore’s mean-spirited personal attacks were four previous township mayors from both parties, who publicly disagreed with the Democrats’ Kuchinski-Blake administration’s poorly-thought-out Affordable Housing plans and hiding those plans from the public.  In today’s Hopewell Township, it is well-known that local Democrat leaders do not tolerate dissent.

Inconvenient or not, local bullying cannot hide the truth.

  • Truth: the Kuchinski-Blake administration allowed developers to build 3,534 housing units in the largest influx of development in township history.
  • Truth: the Kuchinski-Blake administration signed legally binding contracts with developers in secret, closed -meeting sessions without holding a single public work session to allow the public to be involved.
  • Truth: the Kuchinski-Blake administration can conduct land studies based on or before conceptual plans, but have chosen not to do so.
  • Truth: the Kuchinski-Blake administration has violated state law by dragging their feet in releasing long-overdue minutes of those meetings.
  • Truth: the Kuchinski Blake administration created a “Diverty Road Improvement Project” with a legally binding contract as well as a conceptual map, dated June 12, 2017, without involving Diverty-area residents, until just recently.

Ms. Moore’s partisan political attack cannot hide these inconvenient truths.

Harvey Lester, Titusville, NJ


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