Home » LTE: Government compulsion is not choice

LTE: Government compulsion is not choice

by Community Contributor

To the Editor:

No one would suggest that a balanced approach was taken in your news-piece entitled, “Dispelling Energy Aggregation Myths.”

Myths?  What myths?

The only myths that I read were the ones that were presented in the article, which read like a press release from Community Energy Aggregation supporters. 

Myth #1 – Energy Aggregation is a “new trend.”  The fact is that Energy Aggregation has been around for approximately 20 years.  Since that time, the vast, vast majority of New Jersey municipalities have not seen fit to participate.

Myth #2 – Energy Aggregation is offering “the promise of lower energy costs.”  The fact is that no one can “promise” or guarantee that there would be any savings in a de-regulated energy market of supply and demand.  What we do know is that the presenters have been the middlemen, who make money by encouraging municipal participation.  As far as economy of scale to access lower costs, who is bigger than PSE&G or JCP&L? 

Myth #3 – “Pennington Mayor Joe Lawver and new Hopewell Township Committee Member Courtney Peters-Manning want to make sure the public is properly educated.”  The fact is that both already support Energy Aggregation.  Mr. Lawver has voted for it and Ms. Peters-Manning was involved in the township roll-out.  They want to make sure that the public is persuaded to their mind-set.  Education is an entirely different matter involving facts, not anecdotes and speculation.

Meanwhile, Energy Aggregation is a stacked-deck.  It is an opt-out program, not an opt-in program.  If approved by a municipality, it is government-required residential participation unless residents take action to opt-out, which is an inconvenience at best.  At worst, a slammed public of some 6,000 residents may not realize that they were slammed into Community Energy Aggregation in the first place.  Energy deregulation was supposed to be about consumer choice.  Government compulsion is not choice. 

Harvey Lester,

Titusville, New Jersey

Response from the Editor:

MercerMe proudly provides balanced coverage of issues pertaining to Hopewell Valley. We stand behind our reporter and his coverage.

Mary Galioto,

MercerMe Editor

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