Home » Drinking Water PFAS update by HT Health Department and DEP March 13.

Drinking Water PFAS update by HT Health Department and DEP March 13.

by Community Contributor

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will provide a community update about Per- and Poly- fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in drinking water on Wednesday March 13, 2024. The meeting will be held at 7pm via Zoom with pre-registration available here: www.HopewellTwp.org/PFASregistration.

The Hopewell Township Health Department is collecting questions about PFAS and groundwater sampling ahead of the meeting via email to healthclerk@hopewelltwp.org; questions must be received by March 4 to ensure they can be addressed during the presentation.

Residents will learn from DEP professionals about PFAS compounds (sometimes called “forever chemicals”) – what they are, why they cause concern, how sampling occurs, and what resources are available if a determination is made that a well has been contaminated. For residents unable to attend this event, information from DEP’s 2022 presentation is available online at: https://www.HopewellTwp.org/PFASmeetings

Homeowners who have wells should be sure to attend this important meeting. DEP is currently monitoring PFAS in groundwater in four specific areas of the Township where levels have consistently exceeded the safe drinking water standards. These areas include wells in the vicinity of Route 31 / Tree Farm Road, Timberlane Middle School, Bear Tavern Elementary School, and River Road in Titusville.

The Health Department encourages all Township residents with well water to test for PFAS, even if you reside outside of these neighborhoods. Based on review of available data from well water testing during real estate transactions, it appears PFAS may be widespread. It is a homeowner’s responsibility to maintain their private wells and test regularly to ensure a healthy drinking water supply. For detailed information about wells and proper maintenance, visit www.wellowner.org. If PFAS levels exceed the DEP’s safe standard, homeowners may be eligible to file a claim with DEP and receive assistance for treatment and further testing.

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