Home » Washington Crossing Bridge Assessment Is Underway Weekdays

Washington Crossing Bridge Assessment Is Underway Weekdays

by Community Contributor

The Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission has begun conducting its planned multi-year assessment of alternatives to improve mobility and safety at the Washington Crossing Bridge location, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Commission’s consultant HDR Inc., and its team of subconsultants, will perform topographic surveys, environmental studies, and archeological and cultural resource investigations necessary for the assessment.

The Commission owns and operates the bridge, which connects the New Jersey and Pennsylvania sides of Washington Crossing Park and had previously been scheduled for replacement.

Alternatives Analysis
The “Alternatives Analysis” will provide opportunities for public involvement: A project­ specific website is under development and will provide a convenient opportunity for stakeholders and the public at large to keep informed. At key points throughout the process, various outreach events will take place to present information and obtain input from motorists, pedestrians, residents, business owners, and other interested parties.

Representatives of the Commission and its consultant need to access Hopewell Township right-of-way to conduct data gathering activities. These could include surveys, soil investigations, archeological investigations, gathering of engineering information, or other similar activities beginning the week of November 18, 2024 and continuing periodically over several months. Please note that access to township right-of-way is permitted by the Commission’s federal/states authorized Compact and applicable state laws respective to Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Through November 29th
The first tasks are occurring between November 18th and November 29th. Survey crews will be working in the bridge’s vicinity, including within the Township right-of-way, to set targets   and control points required for topographic survey and mapping. The work will be short-term and have minimal traffic impacts. The survey targets will consist of a steel survey nail driven flush into the pavement and a white-chevron pavement marking. These targets and control points must remain undisturbed and will be removed when no longer needed.

Any disturbed areas will be returned to their pre­ existing conditions after the respective data gathering task is completed. All work will be performed between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. No activities will be performed on Saturdays or Sundays.

Should members of the public have any questions or need additional information please do not hesitate to contact W. Michael Cane, Senior Project Manager, at 267-394-6719.

Learn more about the history of the Washington Crossing Bridge here- https://www.drjtbc.org/bridges/washington-crossing/.

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