Home » Have You Ever… Hiked Belle Mountain?

Have You Ever… Hiked Belle Mountain?

by Kim Robinson

Many of us who grew up in the Valley spent a great deal of time every winter on Belle Mountain. Whether we were skiing, taking lessons, or just hanging out, drinking the Swiss Miss hot chocolate from the snack window, we were there. Now, I, myself, had a bit of an advantage; my uncle and cousin were both on the Ski Patrol while I was growing up, and then during college, I dated one of the ski instructors, so let’s just say I may have gotten a “discount” on my lift tickets.  And while I really wish my own kids could have learned to ski at Belle, she still has a lot to offer.

For several years now, my neighbor and I have found wineberries at the top of the old “big hill”, as well as plentiful milkweed plants, which serve as “fly up bars” for monarchs and other pollinators. So, after reading an article about a Belle Mountain hike that offers views across the river, and with the recent stint of beautiful weather, my husband and I decided to give it a go. 

Pro tips: 1) wear long pants; there are MANY brambles, and they tear up the legs of the unprepared –  like me; and 2) For parking, if you’re coming from Route 29 and turning onto Valley Road, there are two lots on the left. The first was open when we visited, but the second was roped off.

We started at the pond (to the right of the main slope if you are facing the mountain), and I immediately saw a stately heron standing near the water. With nature having taken over, the scene is more beautiful than ever, especially with the leaves changing.

While the mountain is owned by Mercer County and is available for hiking, be aware that it is not maintained. Trails are neither labeled nor blazed, and it is up to hikers to use our visual clues to not get lost or injured. Fortunately, the hike to the top is not difficult at all, and the beauty of the mountain keeps you well-engaged along the way. The only obstacle you will likely face is the afore-mentioned brambles. Birds and squirrels are everywhere, and if you keep your eyes open, you will get frequent glimpses of Bowman’s Hill Tower as you climb.

For our hike, we headed straight up the mountain from the pond, seeing more and more fall color along the way… and of course, more squirrels… so many squirrels.

Belle Mountain has an elevation of 299 feet and spans 14 acres. Fortunately, other than the stickers and brambles, there are no difficult or dangerous aspects to getting up the hill, and once you reach the top and find the right trail, you will eventually come to two beautiful overlooks, one looking west, across to Pennsylvania, with a beautiful open view of Bowman’s Tower, and the other to the northwest, providing a view of the Delaware.

So get out there and explore the trails we have in our own backyard. You never know what you’ll find.

All photos by Kim Robsinon

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