The February 5 meeting of the Hopewell Borough Planning Board was brief, with two residences, 20 Louellen Street and 40 Model Avenue, being considered for a Certificate of Appropriateness.
A Certificate of Appropriateness is issued, after review by the Historic Preservation Commission, for structures being built or modified within the Hopewell Borough Historic District or its buffer zone. Details on the Historic Preservation Commission’s work, and a map of Hopewell Borough’s Historic District, can be found on the HPC page of Hopewell Borough’s municipal website.
Following the approval of January meeting minutes and approval of vouchers (approved unanimously with the exception of Council Member David Mackie, who abstained) there was an opportunity for open public comment, during which no one stepped forward, so the meeting rapidly moved on to testimony from Alison Baxter, Chairperson of the Hopewell Borough Historic Preservation Committee.
“For 20 Louellen Street, we had recommended a dormer window or skylights to break up this gigantic roof,” she commented, “and changes to the front porch design. The homeowner did make changes to the front porch design per our recommendations, but declined to add the dormer window or skylights, since they intend to install solar panels.”
Baxter noted that the structure is almost an entirely new house, as only one original exterior wall in the rear of the house was left standing. Baxter and the Planning Board members discussed streamlining use variance application processes in future, as they were not pleased with the outcome of this home’s renovation process but legally had no recourse but to approve it. The size of the roof was a particular point of contention for some members.
Dan Fortunato, the homeowner’s architect, testified in defense of the design and pointed out that the old roof had been a “mess of conglomerated roofs.”
The Board voted to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness, with Mayor Ryan Kennedy abstaining and Planning Board Chairperson Peter Macholdt noting his Yes vote was cast “reluctantly.”
Baxter went on to discuss a Certificate of Appropriateness for 40 Model Avenue (commonly known as “the purple house”). An addition to the rear of the home is planned, and Baxter noted that the design remained consistent with the current appearance of the house. The Certificate was approved unanimously. A few members asked if Baxter knew of any planned changes to the color of the house, to which Baxter replied “no word yet on that.”
An agenda item that did not go forward was the intended Public Hearing on 45 E. Broad Street, a Use Variance with Site Plan Waiver Request by PHDO Property Purveyors, LLC. The applicant was unable to complete public notice in time, so did not appear.The next meeting of the Planning Board will be Wednesday, March 5. Details on meetings, site plans, and applications can be found on the Planning Board page of the Hopewell Borough municipal website.