Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes, along with the Office on Aging and Division of Culture and Heritage, is pleased to present the 2023 Mercer County Senior Art Show from July 28 through August 15 at The Conference Center at Mercer County Community College.
Any Mercer County resident age 60 or older may submit one entry that has been completed in the past three years. Artwork must be the original work of the applicant and must not have been previously entered into the County show. The categories included in the 2023 Mercer County Senior Art Show are acrylic, craft, digital art, mixed media, oil, pastel, photography, print, sculpture, watercolor, and works on paper (drawing).
First-place winners automatically advance to the State’s New Jersey Senior Citizen Art Show in the fall. One professional and one non-professional first-place winner are accepted into the State show in each of the above categories.
Registration through the Office on Aging begins June 1 at 9am and ends July 17 at 11:59pm Artwork should be delivered to The Conference Center at Mercer on July 24 from 9am to 2pm
Hours for viewing the exhibit at the conference center are Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm and Saturday from 9am to 2pm In-person viewing at The Conference Center at Mercer begins Friday, July 28, and the online viewing begins Tuesday, Aug. 1, on the Office on Aging’s web page.
For more information on the art show, including guidelines or a registration form, please contact Karina Turek from the Office on Aging at or 609-989-6661.