Home » Bike trail from Pennington Borough proposed

Bike trail from Pennington Borough proposed

by Lynn S. Robbins

At the November Pennington Council meeting, Open Space Committee Chair Alan Hershey said he wants to make it easier to walk or bike in and out of town. Hershey, who also is a long-time Board member of the Lawrence Hopewell Trail (LHT), said a potential corridor for pedestrians and cyclists would be a connection to the (LHT) from the southern part of Pennington.

This corridor would be in addition to the current LHT connection which starts at the Stony Brook Bridge on Pennington Rocky Hill Road. Hershey said money for the project would come from Mercer County, not the Borough’s Open Space fund, which he projects will have a 2024 balance of $625,500.

Mayor Jim Davy suggested that the project should be further explored in a Council work session.

Health Board supports residents and their pets

Pennington’s Board of Health Chair Steve Papenberg acknowledged Hopewell Township Health Officer Dawn Marling for working with Pennington on several initiatives, saying recent flu vaccine clinics were successful. The board is currently overseeing cannabis sales and working on ways to educate youth about health problems associated with vaping.

Papenberg said the free animal rabies clinics are on schedule: November 18 at the Hopewell Borough Trains station, 2 Railroad Place, and December 2 at the Pennington Borough Department of Public Works, 301 North Main Street.

Crown Act update

Council passed a resolution reaffirming support of the CROWN Act (Create a Respectful and Open Workspace for Natural Hair). As described in the meeting agenda, the CROWN Act amends the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJ LAD) so that the term “race” includes traits historically associated with race including, but not limited to, hair texture, hair type, including braids, locks, and twists.

Austin Edwards, president of the Trenton branch of NAACP and Kieanna Childs Alexander, chair of WIN (Women in the NAACP) expressed their support for the act. Alexander said she was looking forward to working with Pennington.

Reducing stormwater pollution and flooding

The public was invited to comment on Pennington’s stormwater ordinance, which had been discussed in the September and October meetings. No comments were made, and Council adopted the ordinance.

Streetscape funding

An ordinance was introduced to appropriate $145,000 for the final design work for the Borough’s Streetscape project. Of this amount, $142,000 would come from a grant from New Jersey’s Department of Transportation, and $3,000 from the Capital Improvement fund.

November Talks and a December Walk: Pennington Public Library events

Council member Katrina Angarone encouraged everyone to participate in Pennington’s Holiday Walk, an outdoor town event on December 1. The library will host “Wallaby Tales Traveling Zoo” at 4:30pm.

The library will host virtual talks over the next few weeks. Recordings will be available after the event has taken place.

  • Healthy Holiday Eating presented by Taryn Krietzman, November 15, 1pm.
  • Afternoon Chat with Joy Harjo, performer, writer and poet of Muscogee (Creek) Nation: November 16, 4pm.
  • Conversation with local filmmakers of “Capsules: November 29, 7pm.
  • Talk with author Naomi Alderman on writing about dystopian worlds: November 30, 3pm.

For details and to register for these events and more, visit the Pennington Public Library.

Trunk or Treat gets sweet review

In the closing public session, Police Sergeant Novin Thomas thanked everyone for participating in a successful Trunk or Treat day in October, and said he wants to keep the event going in future.

The next Borough Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 4.

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