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Mommy Mayor: Resolutions

by Cathleen Lewis

This year has not gone as expected. It’s May. MAY and I’m still working on getting caught up on January. To illustrate this and to maybe earn some of my reader’s sympathy, I’m just picking up where I left off: a half written column about my new years resolution.

I’m doing this not because I’m lazy (ok, maybe a little), but because I’m guessing a lot of you are like me, you have half completed lists, a head full of things you want to get down on a list and a nagging feeling that you forgot something. So, while I usually use this space to encourage women to lean-in- today I’m using to illustrate that leaning in isn’t always pretty and that we all (hopefully) share in this hamster-wheel-like-existence, sometimes.

Here it is:

It’s a new year and that means it is time for resolutions. This year I’m tackling the one that feels toughest and I’m doing it here because maybe it will keep me accountable. I went through a lot of them:

  • Feed my family healthier food more often (ie rely less on take-out or processed food)
  • Lose weight (number one should help with that, right?)
  • Exercise more
  • Be more organized
  • Clean house more

But they all came back to a theme. I’m not feeling my best; I’m tired too often; I feel like I’m not accomplishing anything despite checking off my to do list. Does this sound familiar to anyone else?

So, instead of something I can check off a list or forget about in a month, I’m going for a bigger resolution, one that quite honestly feels impossible but I’m doing it anyway.

Take care of me. Find time for me.

It took me 4 ½ months to finish this –- how’s that for putting me first? It would be a great illustration if I had been slacking in order to go to yoga class. That’s not the case. Instead, I’ve been racing from one thing to another.

I successfully kicked carbs for 20 days, sugars for about 15 and lost 11 pounds (make that 5). I did get my house clean (for 2 days) and I am slightly more organized.

All this will not discourage me, so I’m going to try this again. I’m going to put the same energy I put towards electoral and professional success towards personal success.

And I’m going to ask for your help. Let’s help each other – what’s your secret? Where do you carve out 5 minutes or 50?

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