Hopewell Township’s affordable housing future took a major step at the January 27 meeting. The Committee certified Hopewell Township’s fair-share commitment for affordable housing for 2025-2035 at 348 units, down…
Diane Carroll

Diane Carroll
"It’s been a joy and a privilege to be a member of the Hopewell Valley Community for 45 years." Diane started her career as a science writer, then went on to direct STEM education programs and later held management roles in several non-profit organizations. She is currently chair the board of the Capital County Children’s Collaborative, a mental health organization that serves Mercer County, and is a volunteer bone marrow courier for the National Marrow Donor Program. Diane reads, gardens, skis, sails, and rides her bike. And there is nothing she love more than hanging out with family and friends. Her New Year’s resolution that’s on perpetual repeat: “Cook More for Friends.”
Hopewell Township Mayor Courtney Peters-Manning swore in six new police officers at the Monday, January 13 Township Committee Meeting. Friends and family of the new officers packed the room as…