Home » Mercer County Sheriff Offers Back-to-School Safety Advice

Mercer County Sheriff Offers Back-to-School Safety Advice

by Community Contributor

Mercer County Sheriff Jack Kemler reminds motorists and pedestrians to be extra careful as the new school year begins. The Sheriff also asks students and parents to be extra cautious when walking or driving to and from school.

Here are a few safety reminders from the Mercer County Sheriff’s Office:

  • Pay special attention to the instructions of school crossing guards and adhere to traffic signals. 
  • Never cross the street against a red light, even if you do not see any traffic coming. 
  • Wear bright colors or reflective clothing so drivers can see you more easily – especially at dusk. 
  • Remember, as autumn approaches, there is less daylight, and children will be more difficult to see.
  • Parents should always plan a safe walking route for their children to and from school or to the bus stop. Choose a route with the fewest street crossings and, if possible, use intersections with crossing guards and crosswalks. 
  • Drivers MUST come to a complete stop when the red lights on a school bus are flashing – it is the law!
  • When driving children to school, deliver and pick them up as near the school as possible and always buckle up. 
  • Drive slowly when you see children riding bicycles or walking near the curb.
  • Always SLOW DOWN around schools and bus stops. Watch your speed when entering or leaving designated school zones. 

Sheriff Kemler noted, “As summer draws to a close and children start heading back to classes, life can get pretty hectic, especially when everyone rushes to get to school before the bell. It’s important to remember these basic safety tips that will help keep everyone safe and healthy throughout the school year”.

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